Service Installation


Hallen Construction provides several types of service installations which can be plastic or steel and high or low pressure in sizes from ½” to 12”.

The first type of service installation is a new business installation. This type of service is for new buildings and existing buildings that have no gas. The work involved in a new service requires excavation over the distribution main, trenching from the main to the building, installing the service pipe, testing the new service, connecting the service to the distribution main, backfill and roadway restoration. In a new business service installation, connecting to the building piping is performed by the plumber of record.

The next type of service installation would be a service that was discovered to be leaking. These services can be steel or copper and range in size from ½” to 4”. The work in replacing a leaking service requires excavation over the main connection and then disconnecting the service from the main and the building piping. The following step would be to replace the service pipe by inserting the existing service or relaying a new service if the existing service pipe is unusable. Once the service pipe is installed and tested, it is connected to the distribution main and the building piping. At this time, a Hallen mechanic will relight all gas appliances in the building. Finally, the excavations are backfilled and the roadway and sidewalk are restored.

Another type of service installation is a D & R (disconnect and reconnect) which occurs when Hallen installs a new distribution main. All services that are connected to the old steel/cast iron gas main are required to be transferred to the new plastic or steel distribution main. Once the new main is installed, the services are disconnected from the old main and connected to the new main. During the D & R process, the service is disconnected from the old main and the building. The service is then tested, and if the test holds, the service is connected to the new main and the building piping. If the service doesn’t pass the air test, a new service is installed by insertion or relay. Once the service is transferred to the new main, all excavations are backfilled and the roadway and sidewalk is restored. The Hallen mechanic will relight all gas appliances in the affected building.